All our buildings (excluding tanalised timber buildings) are dip treated (not sprayed)…
The entire panel is completely submerged into a tank containing wood preserver which enables the preserver to soak into the timber completely.
All our buildings have
Mortice and Tenoned doors
Georgian windows and doors
Verandah floors
Shaped spindles
Intermediate spars in roof
When choosing a building and suitable location in your garden please bear in mind that we need some space to get round it during the installation process…
and some have large sections which may not go through doorways, archways, garages round restricted corners etc…. Please always speak to us if you have any doubts or concerns.
What base do I need?…
The better the base – the better the building!
All buildings (except for greenhouses) come complete with floor which have joists running underneath… However these joists must sit on a suitably prepared level and solid base, ideally concrete or flags… Concrete or timber batons (3″ x 3″) may be used in addition or as an alternative to concrete or flags… the area would have to be levelled and prepared with a bed of lime stone or gravel… These batons need to run the opposite way to the floor joists… Please contact us to check…